Web logs made easy

Web logs made easy

That sounds soooooo boring – but that’s where the term ‘blog’ came from.  It was originally a sort of online diary – think ‘Captain’s log web date …’ from Star Trek. These days a blog article is so much more than a diary post, but if you remember the origin of the...
It’s all about structure

It’s all about structure

If you’ve never written a book before, it can seem like a mammoth task, but, if you get the right structure in place, writing is made much easier. There are three elements that create your building blocks in a non-fiction book: 1: The chapters and how they flow. 2:...
What is your website’s prime purpose?

What is your website’s prime purpose?

Isn’t that obvious?  It’s to present your business to the digital viewer, of course. People talk about ‘brochure’ sites, in other words, websites that display your wares.  But a good website is much more than that. It needs to Engage potential clients quickly Have...
Presenter or Narrator?

Presenter or Narrator?

You may have heard of ‘death by PowerPoint’, but how do you avoid becoming a perpetrator of this? Just in case this is a term you haven’t come across before, I can almost guarantee that you’ve been on the receiving end!  Essentially, it was coined to describe a...
How busy are you?

How busy are you?

I think the word ‘Business’ evolved from ‘busy-ness’!  Lots of businesses are created because someone has a passion for something – and then they discover that their business needs more than their passion. When your passion is your core offering, the other ‘stuff’...
How good are your stories?

How good are your stories?

Everyone loves a good story, but when you’re running a business finding good stories can be challenging. There was a time when a regular press release would go out to the company’s press list, but how many of these got published?  The answer is ‘very few’.  But why? ...
When did you last ask for a testimonial?

When did you last ask for a testimonial?

Testimonials are powerful and most of your customers and clients would be happy to provide one – but they need to be asked or it just doesn’t cross their minds. Testimonials are third party validation.  They’re great marketing tools – providing they have the right...
Does the headline grab your attention?

Does the headline grab your attention?

When you pick up a newspaper or magazine (or visit that publication online), you choose which articles you want to read by the headlines.  Some of the more nefarious publications use misleading headlines just to try and get your eyes on their article. You’ve probably...
Is your social strategy working?

Is your social strategy working?

Making social media work well is like walking on ice.  The social platforms are forever changing their algorithms. Gone are the days where 15% of your page followers on Facebook saw your posts.  Today almost zero see them, unless they actively visit your page – unless...
What’s your influence strategy?

What’s your influence strategy?

Your reputation depends on what other people say and write about you.  If you have a good reputation, it means you’re doing something right.  But what happens if your reputation is good, but is almost a trade secret? Lots of people do a great job for their customers,...